Friday, March 09, 2007

A Kindred Spirit (my novel)

This is the actual novel -- as much as I'm willing to preview. There are 8228, a highly portentous "phildickian" number of words in the first three entries, and over 88 thousand words as I work on revisions. It's going to be published finally, 2010!

Sometimes I call it AKS, Redux (or AKS III, or maybe 4 N final!) I've been at it so long it's sort of become a sequel to itself now or recursive fiction. But, knowing Phil wrote like this helps. (see Status entry.) The novel has entered its own time warp! 2007 is an important year since it's the 25th anniversary of Phil's death, or rebirth as I think of it. 2010 Phil would have been 82, so that is the definite Final Frontier for us!

The entire proposed novel layout is on my main website. A click will magically take you to it. The purple listings (on the layout page) mean they're "done." Since I really do want to publish AKS, I don't want to post more here. Perhaps I'll use this link to entice someone like Patrick Lobrutto to take another look. It's totally different than the weak version I let him review years ago. But even in it's embryonic state back then, he loved the concept. It's vastly improved, Pat!!

If you read this, PLEASE comment. That's why it's out here. I need feedback! (not junk mail or spam. I delete those.) The blog is enabled now so anyone can post comments. THANKS!

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